Monday, November 1, 2010
I Guess I Don't Know My Own Strength
Haha, my first time putting a picture relating to chess.
As usual, I had a competition. Yesterday, as a matter of fact. Wasn't playing my best though. Didn't put in enough of effort. Anyway, never mind about that. Met some new friends too.
Yesterday was HALLOWEEN. Boo! Some of my friends went trick-or-treating, I guess. They're so lucky. I've never ever experienced real HALLOWEEN before and I doubt I ever will. Trick-or-treating isn't practiced in this country. It would be fun though. Just imagine... CANDIES... costumes... "trick or treat!"...
Today is the last day of exam. Woohoo! Just two more papers and I'm freeeeeee!!! Siviks and ICTL. I don't understand why we must take ICTL though. The only part I enjoy about it is that we get to go to the IT lab which has air-cond.
Gotta go now! Ciao!