Saturday, March 20, 2010


Its been a really loonnngggg day. Had chess class at 8.00am until 11.00am before returning home to have chicken rice for lunch. Then had a facial appoinment from 12.30 to about 2.30. Went to Semreeta's house at about 3.15 to do the ICTL project. Didn't really complete it though. Just did a little eventhough the deadline is 30th March. Ate nachos, drank syrup and Vitagen, watched the video for Blah Blah Blah, watched a funny animal video, played badminton, watched tv and played with Bubbles, her Maltese! Well, playing with Bubbles was actually only me and not her. I tried to snap a picture of Bubbles but it kept running away whenever I come near her with my phone. I finally got a beautiful picture of her and another picture of me and her. Too bad I dunno how to upload the pictures into the computer. I tried three times but it won't work. So frustrating! And I have to sleep by 10. Having a chess competition tomorrow.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I'm starting to really feel the pain today. I have a three bruises on my knees altogether, my back aches sometimes, my shin hurts thanks to the ice-skates and a part of my body hurts when I sit. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. The last time my body was hurt was when I went for a very long walk one day and I pulled my leg muscle. It was a few weeks ago. (I tend to injure myself). That's about all.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bruised Up

Went for an outing at Sunway Pyramid and 1 Utama today. Christina, Samantha, Aishah, Clarice, Ken and Zachary... You guys rock! Too bad you had to go back halfway when we were starting to ice-skate properly, Christina. Wish you were there to enjoy with us going bowling at 1 Utama and eating lunch.

Let's start from the top.

Reached Sam's house at about 9.40. Aishah was there already so all that was left was waiting for Christina. While waiting, we sat on the swing outside because her house was being renovated. Chat, chat, chat and Christina finally came. Then, Sam's mum drove us to Sunway Pyramid where we went skating. So it was me, Sam and Chris skating and then Clarice, her friend and her brother joined us. I regretted spending quite a lot time clinging for dear life on the side of the ice rink. Christina? Aishah? How do you learn to skate so fast??? Obviously, Sam knew how to skate since it was the third time she was skating. It was only my second time. When I finally let go of the side, my ass was wet from falling down a number of times. Damn it. I was doing so badly that when I fell everytime, strangers had to help me to get up and regain my balance... I even grabbed a fat boy when I was gonna fall and that was just damn embarassing since all my friends were laughing at me... Halfway through, a boy came and talk to me. I'm like, okay... I was holding the sides and he was like 'Hello, hello.' So I said 'hello' and then he asked me in Chinese how old I was. 14, I said and then he asked me something in Chinese again so I told him that I don't understand Chinese and he said 'Where are your parents?' I said 'I'm here with my friends...' Weird conversation. He was kinda cute though, only a little older. Then... I forgot what happened. Aaargh! He was so... nvm. Christina, why did you have to go for the tournament?!?! But my most embarassing fall happened right in front of Ken when I didn't quite knew him yet. Even he held my hand and tried to pull me up, I still couldn't balance and end up grabbing his body (or practically hugging him) to get up. Thanks, Ken. Lunch was next. Laksa Shack! I ordered beef noodles since I can't stand anything spicy. After that, we all started pouring 'stuff' into Ken's soup. Then me and him had 'Scissors, Paper, Stone' to see who would take a sip of the soup. He loss and he drank it and he was like... (paused after first sip, then started taking drinking more) I tried and... it tasted fine. Lol. Even after all that was poured in the soup including sambal, chili padi with black sauce and the leftovers from my beef noodles. Then Clarice's mum drove us to 1 Utama. We went bowling and then went to take pictures. Yeah, the taking pictures part is kinda weird considering that Ken was the only boy left with us since Zachary left with Clarice's mum. He's Clarice's 11 year old younger brother. At about 5.45, I had to leave while we were decorating the pictures we had took at Dreamworld beacuse I had a class to attend. Boohoo! That's practically everything. And I have bruises on my leg now thanks to ice-skating!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can You Die Of Boredom?

Can you die of boredom? I just need an answer for that. I'm spoiling my eyesight just to bother to blog so that my blog remains alive. And besides, I'm bored. At least I have something to cheer me up. Tomorrow's outing. Me, Samantha, Clarica, Christina and Aishah. We're going ice-skating! I can't skate though. The last time I skated, I told myself I never want to do it again. Looks like I'm gonna have to take back my words that I said about two or three years ago...

Is deleting blogs a new trend on the internet? Coz it seems so... Two of my friends have already done that. Maybe I should delete my really, really old blog. The very first one I started with.


If the internet disconnects again, I'm gonna have to smash my loved one. Yes, that's you COMPUTER! I TRIED A TOTAL OF THREE TIME BEFORE I CAN SIGN IN TO BLOGGER AND SEE MY FRIEND'S BLOG!!! WTF! I'm trying to stop swearing and cursing but *honey* is getting on my nerves.
Stop getting the wrong message. Who else could *honey* be but the electronic thing I'm staring at.

Just came back from Penang today. Went on Saturday and arrived home at around 8 today after having dinner. Returned empty-handed again.  Looks like I'm gonna have to wait another year for the next National Age Group tournament. So close to winning fifth place... I ranked sixth altogether in the U-14 category. Don't  have much to blog about the tournament since I didn't snap any pictures and whoever that is reading this will probably die of boredom before they can finish reading this post.

WOW. My cbox is finally alive again after so many weeks of being practically dead. Thanks for 're-aliving' my cbox Minghuay, Soo Ling and Travis a.k.a The Passer-By. Hope it continues to live.    

Friday, March 12, 2010

Watcha Lookin At?

Hey. I'm back.
FINALLY... I was starting to think I'm not gonna ever use the computer ever again.
Exams are over and its time to partteeeyyyy! Its holidayy! Been reading friend's blog. They have updated so much, unlike me. Yay for them. Today was Sejarah and Seni. S&S. I love Sejarah but Seni was just plain suck-ish! Yeap, I regret studying last minute. More like studying last 15 minutes. Stayed back for rehat just to study. Nevermind, its all over now. Stop thinking about it and time to think about what to do during the holidays now.

Must-Dos During The Holidays
Get 'hooked' to the computer
Sleep, sleep, sleep
Unfortunately, blog
Read friends' blogs. This is a must. I'm really outdated.
Burgers! I'm starting to love burgers. Burger King, you rock and you know it!

It doesn't mean that its all good news. I have bad news too. I won't be blogging for four days. Nooooooooo!!! I'm going somewhere. Lets just make it short. Holiday, okay? Yeah, but I'll be back by Tuesday, I think. Not really sure. Back to exams. I think I'm gonna get a B for English because it was so... effing hard and I can really tell you that Geo and Sej was way, way, way easier. To me, that is. And BM, teacher said that someone got only 16 correct... or was it 16 wrong? I think its me. Eff, eff, eff. Nevermind though... And thanks for the two objective papers, Shi Hou. And Rachel, for the three objective papers. Off to play games now. See-ya!

Err, about the title... Random me. Nothing to do with the post. Hehe.