I hope it is large enough to be seen. Today is a Tuesday, and only I know what it means.
Something happened last night. It was one of the breaks for CSI: New York. I heard a loud CRASH nearby and obviously, my dad got the keys and opened the door to see what had happened. The other neighbours came out too. The accident happened about ten houses from my house. A car had crashed into a neighbour's car. Okay, it wasn't as bad as a crash but it did dented the other car's front bumper really badly. Apparently, the driver was racing with another car and he lost control and hit the unfortunate car. Yeah, and there was this dude lying on the back seat of the car that had raced. According to my dad, he's stoned. The other car, the one that had raced the now-crashed-with-a-stoned-guy-behind had sped off. Moral of the story, don't go racing along a very narrow road. Most importantly, don't even speed. Although occasionally, I like to tell my dad to speed when no other cars are around and it is a very huge road.
Next story. Okay, I don't have a story but at least I have something to blog about. For this part, I would like to walk down Memory Lane and share with you some of the unforgettable moments with my friends. That is if anyone even bothers to read this blog.

Xin Mei and me, sitting on a swing
This was taken when I went back to my primary
school for Sport's Day last year.

Eugene and I when we were in Primary 6 after UPSR.
Hope you don't mind my retarded face XD

Semreeta, Wei Ken, Xi Shern, Navin, me and Sue Lin.
WOAH, what is up with my sleeves?!?!
Heeran acting macho, like always
and Preveena... trying to act macho too, I guess.

Preveena and I going hyper during PJ.

Jeremy, Aaron, me and Eugene.
Lol, Eugene and I are sitting on the lockers.

Eugene, Navin and me.
Lol, I sure was a tomboy back then...

Semreeta, Vanessa and I in Preveena's house.

Amanda, Semreeta, Sue Lin, me and Preveena
at Samantha's house.

Amanda, me, Preveena, Semreeta, Samantha and Justyn.
Or otherwise known as The Posers.
A circle of friends :D
Is-Ken-posing? Lol!
Me and Michelle in Perlis for MSSM.
Samantha's birthday party 2008.
Me, Alya and Semreeta at Aishah's
house for our Sivik project.
Christina, Alya, Semreeta, Aishah, me and Afiqah.
The group for the Sivik project.
Semreeta and I.
St. John rocks!
That's about it. Sorry the pictures weren't really in order.