Friday, June 25, 2010
Past Loves, They Never Got Very Far
Ahhh, it's a Friday. My favourite day.
I think if I were to change my specs, my power would be around 250 already. I'm always on the computer. Facebooking, blogging and of course, playing games. Yeah, I'm like a child. I have to admit. I still play very childish games though I have never told anyone about that.
Any suggestions on how to reduce one's eye power?
I have to bathe soon. Van might be coming at around 1.30 and I need time to blow dry my hair. Luckily I cut my hair otherwise it would take forever.
Speaking about hair, I just remembered something. I probably already mentioned this in the previous post but... who cares? I want a dress. Yes, a dress. Yeah, it's not like me wanting a dress but after seeing all my schoolmates in dresses, I realized I so badly wanted one too. Not saying that I'm jealous or anything... But dad also said he wanted me to become more 'feminine' so I guess that's the perfect excuse to get a dress. Haha, I'm so random, aren't I?
I think checkered dress are pretty :D